Register your team

  • Register your team

Exide welcomes you to the Exide Innovation Challenge 2017.

Please follow the instructions below and complete the form to register your team.

On successful submission of the form, a confirmatory mail will be sent to your official campus email ID.

All the best!

Registration Guidance:

  • All team members registering themselves must be students of 2nd year currently pursuing a full time two year PGP/MBA program.
  • Team(s) will be required to register themselves for participation on our website through their official campus ID only.
  • It is the team's responsibility, to ensure that the members are eligible to partake in the contest.
  • Violation of the eligibility criteria will automatically disqualify a team and bar it from moving ahead in the contest.
  • Only 4 (four) members will be allowed for team registration.

Other Terms & Conditions

  • The participants would get limited access to the Exide Industries Ltd.'s internal proprietary information. All participants are required to only use information that is available on the world wide net and not exploit any information otherwise stated confidential. In the event of such misuse, the concerned Participant(s) shall be disqualified and Exide Industries Ltd shall be entitled to take appropriate remedies, as it may deem fit.
  • All entries and materials submitted by the Participants to Exide Industries Ltd. in connection with the contest (collectively, "entry materials"), along with all copyright and other proprietary rights associated therewith, shall become the property of Exide Industries Limited upon submission and shall not be returned to any Participant.
  • Exide Industries Ltd. reserves the right to modify or suspend the competition at any point of time.
  • Exide Industries Ltd. owns the final right to decisions related to any disputes/ competitions and the campus and students will have to abide by the same.
  • All the above terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India and subject to jurisdiction of the courts in Kolkata.